Navrongo Health Research Centre

Health and Demographic Surveillance Site

Navrongo Health Research Centre

Health and Demographic Surveillance Site

Navrongo Health Research Centre

Health and Demographic Surveillance Site

Browse Articles – 

2023 2022 2021


1.Outbreak investigation of an unknown gastrointestinal illness in District Victoria, Country Mala, 2016 – PubMed ( Asif Syed 1Nigus Abebe Shumuye 2 3Maria Anyorikeya 4Nurbolot Usenbaev 5Eva Mertens 6 7Hedia Bellali 8 9Elizeus Rutebemberwa 10 
2.Hepatic safety and tolerability of cipargamin (KAE609), in adult patients with Plasmodium falciparum malaria: a randomized, phase II, controlled, dose-escalation trial in sub-Saharan Africa – PubMed ( Ndayisaba 1Adoke Yeka 2Kwaku Poku Asante 3Martin P Grobusch 4 5 6Etienne Karita 7Henry Mugerwa 8Stephen Asiimwe 9Abraham Oduro 10Bakary Fofana 11Seydou Doumbia 12Jay Prakash Jain 13Sarita Barsainya 14Gerd A Kullak-Ublick 15 16Guoqin Su 17Esther K Schmitt 15Katalin Csermak 15Preetam Gandhi 18David Hughes
3.Constructing a Nurse-led Cardiovascular Disease Intervention in Rural Ghana: A Qualitative Analysis – PubMed ( P Wood 1Katherine L Garvey 1Raymond Aborigo 2Edith Dambayi 2Denis Awuni 2Allison P Squires 3Elizabeth F Jackson 4James F Phillips 4Abraham R Oduro 2David J Heller 1
4.Health impacts of a randomized biomass cookstove intervention in northern Ghana – PubMed ( Abdo 1Ernest Kanyomse 2Rex Alirigia 3Evan R Coffey 3Ricardo Piedrahita 4David Diaz-Sanchez 5Yolanda Hagar 6Daniel J Naumenko 7 8Christine Wiedinmyer 3 9Michael P Hannigan 3Abraham Rexford Oduro 2Katherine L Dickinson
5.Self-reported provision of person-centred maternity care among providers in Kenya and Ghana: scale validation and examination of associated factors – PubMed ( A Afulani 1 2 3Raymond A Aborigo 4Jerry John Nutor 5Jaffer Okiring 6Irene Kuwolamo 4Beryl A Ogolla 7Edwina N Oboke 7John Baptist K Dorzie 4Osamuedeme J Odiase 3Jody Steinauer 2Dilys Walker 2
6.Evaluation of pilot implementation of seasonal malaria chemoprevention on morbidity in young children in Northern Sahelian Ghana – PubMed ( O Ansah 1Nana A Ansah 1Keziah Malm 2Dennis Awuni 1Nana Peprah 2Sylvester Dassah 1Sobe Yarig 1Charles Manful 1John Agbenyeri 3John Awoonor-Williams 4Wilfred Ofosu 5Abraham R Oduro 6